The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki
The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki

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Person of Interest: Adrian Waxillium Status: Missing (presumed alive)
Possible Location(s): Unknown
Known Affiliation(s): The M.E.G.
Last Seen: The Hub


A sketch of Adrian.


Adrian Waxillium is an operative within the M.E.G.'s field research division, typically tasked with recording the behaviors of entities and interviewing sentient entities in particular. Following a recent incident, however, he has begun to display strange behaviors and anomalous abilities.


Adrian is native to The Backrooms. He is a Caucasian male of roughly 23 years, standing at a height of 5'11". Although typically clean-shaven with short hair, he has recently become disheveled and unkempt. He tends to wear loose, casual clothing such as a hoodie.

Following an interview conducted with The Keymaster, Adrian has since exhibited numerous changes in behavior and personality. He has become a lot more erratic and paranoid, frequently described as "on edge" by fellow MEG operatives. On occasion, he has also been reported to rant about esoteric subjects, using unfamiliar terminology. More intriguing, however, is his demonstration of a seemingly new skill to unlock any lock, short of those which level doors use. The exact means of achieving this are unknown, as Adrian is unable to unlock anything while being directly observed.

Interview Log

The following is a transcript of an interview of Adrian some weeks following his interview with The Keymaster. It is the last known documentation of him prior to his disappearance.

Interviewer: Jared Griffith

Interview Subject: Adrian Waxillium

Interview Location: The Hub

Jared: Okay, so let's start from the beginning. What exactly happened to you?

[Adrian is leaning against the wall of the tunnel. His eyes dart back and forth, and he takes a long drag from a cigarrete in a seeming attempt to calm himself, before finally speaking.]

Adrian: Well, it was just like any standard operation at first. I was assigned to interview The Keymaster... [He exhales the cigarette smoke from his nostrils]. I knew the guy was a tough nut to crack, but I wanted to believe I could get valuable intel.

Jared: That being?

Adrian: You know the legend, right, about all these artifacts hidden in The Backrooms? And how The Keymaster is rumored to hold one of them? I wanted to obtain definitive evidence of it.

Jared: So, you essentially tried to turn your interview into an interrogation.

Adrian: You mean like the kind you're putting me through right now?

Jared: What you attempted to do is a breach of entity interview protocols. Things you are supposed to not do if you don't want to piss off an entity.

[Adrian shakes his head in dismissal, flicking some ash from the cigarette.]

Adrian: The most dangerous thing about these beings is it's very easy to forget they're not human. Many could be mistaken as such, but if you knew what they truly were, like the way I do now, you'd realize they're the furthest one can get from human.

Jared: What do you mean by "the way I do now"?

Adrian: The Keymaster...he showed me things. He showed me wonderful things, horrible things, and things I haven't even processed yet— if I even can. But I know there is so much more to this place than meets the eye, or especially meets the brain. We have no idea what's really happening behind the scenes, or what's going to happen next. The M.E.G., the database, even this interview right now— it's all useless! We have only seen the tiny tip of the iceberg so far, but I've had my head forced under the water. I've drowned in it, and that knowledge doesn't have a chance of helping us.


Illustration of the dog in question.


[From the darkness, the glowing shapes of two eyes and a wide smile appear. Adrian and Meg appear frightened.]

Jared: I-I thought hostile entities couldn't enter The Hub! What is a smiler doing here?!

[The creature emerges from the shadows, revealing itself not to be a smiler, but rather a black dog with glowing white patterning on its fur. It wags its tail, looking between the two people. Adrian's eyes widen in shock.]

Adrian: I can hear that thing’s thoughts. It’s pure evil! [He points an accusatory finger towards it. The dog tilts its head, seeming confused.]

[Just then, Entity X emerges next, in pursuit of the dog. He scoops it up, scolding it.]

Entity X: Now, now, I said no running off! [The dog licks his face, which he scowls at. He then turns to see Adrian and Meg.] Ahh, it seems that you're acquainted with my good friend here. [He slaps Adrian on the back, startling him.]

Adrian: I... I can't speak any further about this. I have to go. [He abruptly flees the scene, disappearing before he can be apprehended]

Entity X: [Looks on with a sigh and a shrug] I sure wonder what has gotten into that lad. Anyways, I can assure you M.E.G. folks that he is quite alright. There is no need for any further investigation. But I must be going as well, now...

[Entity X turns to leave, though a key to Level 399 falls from his sleeve as he does so.]

An assessment of Adrian's condition has concluded that there is no cause for concern of his safety or wellbeing. However, following the interview, his current whereabouts are unknown. He is presumed AWOL.

Historic Profile

Addendum: Following the initial publication of this file, (2) historic file(s) have been recovered.

> Open Historic Profile
> Close Historic Profile

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