The Artists' Society (T.A.S.)
The Lock Breakers
Main Page:
The Lock Breakers are a thieves guild founded by The Lockmaster. The group comprises skilled thieves specializing in infiltration, stealth and precision. They seamlessly blend into their surroundings, leaving no trace of their presence. The Lock Breakers are known for their strategic approach, targeting high-profile and high-value items.
The Major Explorer Group (M.E.G.)
Main Page: The M.E.G.
The M.E.G. (Major Explorer Group) is a large and influential group existing within the Backrooms. The group was founded by The First in 1885, and finalized (in terms of leadership) in the year 1900. The M.E.G. acts as a form of government over many levels of the Backrooms, and is very effective in this role.
The prime directive of the Major Explorer Group is to help wanderers, and enact a government in the Backrooms to cease anarchy and chaos—in synopsis, the directive of the group is to be a helping hand. It accomplishes this through the Database and operatives advising Wanderers, with no way to enforce laws or physically help on many levels.
The Party Crashers
Main Page: Party Crashers
The Party Crashers, known in earlier years as the "Anti-Jovials", is an extensive militia faction dedicated to preventing the spread of and exterminating the victims of the Sanguine Festivus virus. Founded in 1919, the organization has been a key player in maintaining safety and preserving society in the Backrooms by regularly sending battalions to patrol between colonies and offer rare and much-needed medical supplies and aid to those affected by SFV or other ailments, as well as making use of their extensive population and staggering arsenal of weaponry to exterminate infestations of those infected by the virus. Their most noteworthy exploits in recent history are the Euphoric Wars, a period of mass conflict between the Party Crashers and hordes of coordinated SFV victims spanning over three years and encompassing the vast majority of the known Backrooms at its peak.
The Royal Court
Main Page: The Royal Court
The Royal Court is a collection of godlike beings, said to have assisted The Divine One in governing The Backrooms as a kingdom in an age immemorial. The court eventually fractured as the result of treachery from within, initiating a series of events that led to The Backrooms becoming what it is today. Although it was initially believed to be a myth, evidence now suggests it may be more than that. In fact, it seems that the court is currently reforming, due in part to the efforts of The Keymaster, who believes that their unity will be necessary to combat new threats.
They Who Seek (T.W.S.)

Main Page: They Who Seek
They Who Seek, also known as "The Seekers" or "TWS", is a cultist group that worships an Empyrean named “He Who Sees”. The group was founded in the mid-1900s in which the followers sought to He Who Sees, AKA "The Seer" or "HWS", for immortality and any other things that they were promised by him, thus their name. The main goal of TWS is to convert and/or sacrifice enough people (preferably those who pose a threat) to HWS until he regains his former might. In the meantime, the other goal is to put a halt in the operations of other groups in the Backrooms as well, especially the M.E.G., so that they're weak enough to neutralize with ease when the time comes.