The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki




Exit: 3/5
Difficult to Exit

Environment: 3/5
High Environmental Risk

Entities: 4/5
Extreme Hostile Presence

Description (Prior to 02/01/2016)


Photograph taken on January 13, 2016. Location believed to be a now-abandoned restaurant called Matron Maddie's.


Level 6.1, known to wanderers as "The Snackrooms", is a large network of structures and establishments built to provide food and shelter to wanderers. Contrary to most other levels, this locale was not created by the Backrooms alone, but rather by wanderers themselves. After the level's discovery in late 1943 - when it was found to be a vast and empty expanse with nothing more than a concrete floor and ceiling - people began to slowly make their way to the level to take advantage of the available space and the opportunity it provided.

After a two-way connection to Level 813 was found, wanderers began transporting lumber and equipment into what would become the Snackrooms, erecting a medical outpost in 1945 and expanding further from there. As more people flocked in and more facilities were constructed, some began to recognize the level seemingly adapting to human occupation. This realization fully came in the early 1960s, when the storage room of a recently-constructed cafeteria was reported to be restocking its shelves without outside input. This discovery of the level itself supplying raw food and ingredients quickly led to an explosion of attention from wanderers, as thousands flocked to the level and the colony rapidly expanded.

By the 21st century, Level 6.1 had been transformed into a sprawling mall-like expanse of man-made facilities, complete with lodging, clinics, recreational areas, trading posts, and - above all else - restaurants. Endlessly supplied by the level's anomalous properties, dozens if not hundreds of different eateries were built to process the raw ingredients the space provided into freshly-cooked food, earning the sublevel its nickname and making it a sanctuary to wanderers, with some believing the population of those present at any given moment to be in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands at its peak.

However, as of recent events, this is no longer the case.

Description (Following 02/01/16)


Photograph taken by a recon team on September 4, 2022. Location confirmed by photographer to be Matron Maddie's establishment.


Following the events of The Flicker, a Backrooms-wide incident that caused a total blackout in every single known level for a period of weeks, Level 6.1 was discovered to be among a handful of levels that never fully regained lighting. In the days following the event's near-total conclusion, inhabitants began reporting sounds of entities screaming in the distance, out in the empty expanse beyond the complex wanderers had constructed, and before the end of the year, external walls began to break way to these newly-arrived hostile entities as the settlement began to be overrun.

In recent years, the level's once vast complex now sits mostly abandoned, the majority of its old population now evacuated or dead as most of its facilities lie in disarray, strewn with debris and collecting dust. However, the Snackrooms are not completely abandoned just yet. A small number of facilities still stand in some capacity or another within Level 6.1, and its from these remaining outposts that efforts to keep the complex standing are being conducted.


Photograph taken on June 28, 2021, showing an "agitator array" set up far outside Level 6.1's secure perimeter.


Thanks to shipments of supplies and even firearms from other levels, the hundreds of wanderers still fighting to protect the level have as-of-late managed to establish a secure perimeter of sorts where travelers from other levels can still be found seeking refuge or food. This perimeter, known as the "Food Court" by its defenders, is protected by eight-foot tall barricades at all entrances, frequent patrols of heavily-armed guards, and even large "agitator arrays" - tall cobbled-together devices consisting of blaring sirens and blinding light beacons - set up at regular intervals on the Food Court's external perimeter to lure entities as far away as possible.

As of now, most agree that Level 6.1 has managed to return to a level of stability thanks to the efforts of its inhabitants, with the Food Court offering all the same amenities and services as the level did prior to The Flicker, merely at reduced quantity. While some detractors - even including some of the complex's inhabitants - state that these efforts can't realistically be enough to protect the level forever, and most acknowledge that the secure perimeter exists in a tenuous accord with the rest of the level, many wanderers still eagerly come here to seek whatever aid can be offered.

Colonies and Outposts

Tom's Diner


Photograph taken on December 5, 2021. Taken within Tom's Diner, it depicts Thomas himself at the establishment's bar.


While several facilities still stand operational within the Food Court, the only remaining restaurant among these is an establishment known as Tom's Diner. First constructed in 2002 shortly after it's owner Thomas Hatchett no-clipped and found his way to the complex, it was of quite little note compared to its competitors before the events of The Flicker. Once the blackout arrived, however, Thomas was among the first of the level's inhabitants to help coordinate the complex as hundreds of refugees initially arrived, fleeing the dangerous conditions of many other affected levels. Once the complex's invasion by hostile entities began, Thomas was among the first residents who chose to stand their ground and is one of the leading forces - if not the leading force - behind the establishment of the secure perimeter and the creation of the Food Court.

Following the blackout, Tom's Diner has become the primary locale many first think of when Level 6.1 is mentioned, and is praised by some as one of the finest establishments in the Backrooms. Having expanded following the Complex's decline with Thomas knocking down the walls between him and his neighboring ex-competitors, his diner now regularly sees hundreds of customers a day and is staffed by over a dozen employees. Other residents of the Food Court have come to rely on the diner as their source of food, and guests from across the Backrooms have been known to travel here despite the supposed degree of still-present danger in the Snackrooms.

As for Thomas himself, many who've spoken to him refer to him as outgoing, yet somewhat pessimistic. Residents claim he's known to keep a sizable arsenal hidden within the diner, with some even saying "No matter where you are in the diner, there's a weapon within five feet of you". Tom has been noted as having an almost hair-trigger temper, quickly meeting disturbances in the establishment with aggression and orders to leave - often at gunpoint. Some have even said that he's among those who believe the secure perimeter will eventually fall, with one woman claiming that he'd told her "Sooner or later those walls we put up are coming down", and that when it happens, he still has no plans of leaving, proclaiming "I'll be the last one in the level, rifle in my hand and ready to die, before anything happens to my diner."

Entrances and Exits


There are currently six known ways to enter Level 6.1:

  • Passing through a marble archway close to the shores of Level 813's Sullen Coast will place you within the Food Court.
  • Entering a restaurant in Level 11 will place you just outside the Food Court, within sight of the perimeter's walls.
  • Some wanderers claim to arrive in 6.1 after displaying negative emotions in The Manila Room, placing them at random throughout the level.
  • It is possible to enter from Level 81 via as-of-yet unknown means, assumedly placing you within the Food Court.
  • Tripping over an electrical wire in Level 6 will place you outside of the Food Court, usually at the same range as the perimeter's agitator arrays.


There are currently four known ways to exit Level 6.1:

  • Entering a door decorated with an iron emblem of two antlers and a broken sword will bring you to Level 813, usually placing you near the archway mentioned previously. This exit is located within the Food Court, nearby Tom's Diner.
  • Entering a glass door with smog and dim light visible on the other side will bring you to Level 11. This exit is far outside the secure perimeter and is considered highly dangerous to attempt to reach.
  • Shattering a window in an abandoned structure will often bring you to Level 166. Most of these exits are located a decent distance outside of the Food Court's perimeter.
  • Entering a rusted metal door with blackened tar-like stains along its frame will bring you to Level 6. This exit is located within the Food Court, in the back room of an abandoned structure along the perimeter wall.
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Author: KosefSturre
