Exit: 3/5
Difficult to Exit
Environment: 4/5
Extreme Environmental Risk
Entities: 4/5
Extreme Hostile Presence
Level 8 is a sprawling subterranean complex of towering, rocky heights and deep, twisting burrows populated with stalactites, stalagmites, and other natural geological features common in typical caves. The far-reaching caverns of the level and its difficulty of navigation have rendered its true size effectively incapable of measurement; as a result, few have ventured far into the level’s depths, and even fewer have returned.
Due to its expansive structure, any/all noises emitted within Level 8 reverberate in a vast echo, bouncing back extensively after ricocheting off of its rocky walls. Although its arid caves and dark burrows are populated with many hostile creatures, the level bears signs of a formerly great, diverse ecosystem of organisms; it is hypothesized that the invasive Mortisdoptera were responsible for its potential downfall.
Claustrophobia-inducing tunnels lie deep underground; most often being long and clasped, idly forgotten, carved into stone. These ingresses are incredibly taut, and navigating these tunnels may be rather difficult due to some passageways requiring wanderers to duck or even crawl, while others may be impassable entirely. Profound crevices and sharp stone corners may also occasionally stick out and prove to be a problem if one isn’t careful. Several crevices may also reveal dark, small lakes or lagoons, stretching into the indeterminable dark. These cracks may also reveal possible structural hazards, as some passageways may become marginally unstable and are prone to collapse.
Another detail to note is that, while exploring these caverns, one is prone to find underground canyons. Large cliffs that expand into the darkness below, a fall from such a height will most certainly lead to death. These cliffs can prove to be quite dangerous, as they often appear unexpectedly due to the straining gloom or the unstableness of the surrounding ground. It’s also likely that the lower chambers of these canyons are flooded with ice-cold water, which, however, doesn’t render them any less dangerous than them being empty. It’s also recommended to stay away from these cliffs at all times, as loose rocks, shale, and large piles of gravel may tumble down from up above—there being a possibility of hitting an unsuspecting wanderer. Troglosidae commonly inhabit this region, using small crevices in the cliff walls to span webs from one side to the other. This adds another danger to these regions, as Troglosidae here have a lot of space to drop down on prey.
Certain damp chambers of Level 8 contain obscenely rapid crystal growth, encrusting the cave floor. These crystals usually grow in clusters of ten or more and each possess a sharpened end, making swimming in these ponds quite treacherous. The exact material comprising these crystals is currently unknown; however, analysis indicates that it is not common quartz. The only benefit that these crystal provide is serving as a natural light source in the darkness — although this isn’t the brightest source of illumination, it is better than none at all, and can aid in navigating the tight caverns. Otherwise, these crystal-filled lagoons should be avoided, as swimming in such could lead to major injuries or, in rare cases, even death. Other than these clusters, minerals too seem to be, while not impossible, rather rare to come across.
Loose, creaking, and decrepit wooden boards can rarely be found spanning over short-distance canyons. These are the most commonly found signs of human-inhabitation, along with others, all of which have no discernible source or markings. These bridges are not recommended to be crossed unless it is dire, as the mushy wood could easily break under pressure. Occasionally, rope spans from one side to the other, which may come in use, especially when navigating the rough terrain of Level 8. It’s also to be noted that dust and grime usually coat these boards, as if they’ve recently been worn down, despite such muck missing in most larger areas of these caverns. Similar to loose rocks, these bridges may also present a hazard when one finds themselves at the bottom of such canyons, which is why it’s best to stay away from areas where the ceiling is indiscernible.
The water contained in the dank lower chambers of Level 8 is considered safe to drink, but should be avoided if one lacks the proper equipment to contain it. No light appears to penetrate the water's surface. The experience below the water has been compared to a sensory deprivation tank, although much colder. Despite the frigid temperatures of Level 8, water flows freely throughout the level, creating frozen streams and caves that seem to defy the laws of nature.
Surrounding the outer reaches of Level 8 is a gargantuan, organic barrier of unknown width that spans much of the level and defines its relative "border". It appears to be a pulsating, living structure composed of numerous interconnected segments, both verdant and animate in appearance. Due to its sheer scale, proceeding past this structure has been deemed infeasible at present. Cutting directly through its fleshy exterior as a means of travel have proven unsuccessful, only revealing a dense, organic interior congested with numerous fleshy ducts that spout a toxic, coagulated substance onto passersby.
The Burrows[]
The Burrows are a labyrinthine series of tight, underground tunnels and damp antechambers that run deep beneath the level’s cave floor, serving as the primary domain of the Troglosidae. The complex layout of The Burrows has multiple purported origins, the most widely accepted being that their winding paths are the result of long-dried molten rock that formed an undulated, wormlike network under the belly of Level 8. Its exact layout is and will likely remain unclear, however, as many of its tunnels typically slope vertically downward, rendering the cavernous underside of The Burrows virtually unnavigable to even the most experienced of explorers. Excluding the Troglosidae, The Burrows are home to many coexisting species, most notably a subspecies of wormlike insectoids that appear to be the primary food source of the former. Despite their minuscule stature, their bony exoskeletons provide ample protection from many forms of outward harm.
Mortisdoptera, informally referred to as "Deathmoths", are large, phototactic, predatory insects with an appearance reminiscent of the Lepidoptera superfamily, and the primary source of life in Level 8. These mothlike entities, when in large groups, typically attack in swarms, using their sharp talons and teeth to consume their prey. While the primary food source of the Mortisdoptera appears to be the Troglosidae, they have been observed to eat a variety of other, smaller insects within the level, and when joined into a swarm, even wanderers. The Mortisdoptera have also been observed to consume significant quantities of the level's organic waste, including fruit and the deceased carcasses of organisms. Individual Mortisdoptera vary in color, both in the sheen and thickness of their coloring and the patterns of color on their wings. Their ability to adjust their outer shade to match with their environment is likely the result of advanced chemoreceptors, which appear to allow them to detect the hue of nearby surfaces. When threatened — or, in some cases, when in search of food — a Mortisdoptera specimen will swarm around its prey in numbers of up to five at a time and attack via its sharp mandibles, whereafter their venom may cause intense pain, long-term numbness, and in many cases, death. The majority of the Mortisdoptera population is located in what has been dubbed the "central highlands" of Level 8, which are purported to house up to several hundred of the entities at any given time; this large number is a result of the location predominantly being used by the entities to raise their young. In smaller groups, the Mortisdoptera typically live in small groups of three-to-four within inset spaces attached to cave burrows or the level's rock walls; it is postulated that these inset holes may have originally been used by the Mortisdoptera as a refuge from prehistoric predators, but were repurposed after the extinction of said species. These independent groups have demonstrated a relative indifference to other colonies within Level 8.
Although superficially similar in appearance to typical spiders, Troglosidae are far larger in size and belong to a different order of arthropods entirely. The Troglosidae have a particularly short, segmented abdomen with four pairs of disproportionately-long legs (accompanied by two pairs of prolegs) and a pair of short, whip-like mandibles. Their legs are primarily used for web-building, and their antennae appear to be used for their sense of smell. Their mandibles and mouthparts seem to be adapted for piercing and ingesting, and for using their venom to subdue prey. A black carapace covers the entire length of the abdomen and most of the length of the first pair of legs. Their cephalothorax does not appear to be used for movement, but is instead covered with several minuscule eyespots for both camouflage and searching the substrate of other organisms for nourishment. The venom of the Troglosidae is known to contain toxins that cause hemorrhagic fever, caused by the formation of blood clots that block blood vessels, leading to total circulatory collapse.
Colonies and Outposts[]
Long-term survival on Level 8 has been deemed infeasible. The temperatures of the level remain below freezing the vast majority of the time. Unknown properties ensure that the water does not freeze; however, the same does not apply to human settlement. All short- and long-term encampments have failed thus far due to the level’s freezing temperatures.
Entrances and Exits[]
- There are no verified exits from Level 8, though wanderers are able to escape. Most accounts from survivors detail them having a stumble or lapse, only to find themselves in a separate level.
Ported from The Backrooms Fandom Wiki to The Backrooms: Convergence by Mctoran, with additional revisions.