The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki
The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki

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Level Alpha-Omega [1] is a rumored sublevel of the mythical Hallowed Gate, possibly being its most significant aspect. With all the legends and lore surrounding it, it is considered to be one of the greatest mysteries of The Backrooms.


Artist's rendition of Level Alpha-Omega



Knowledge of Level Alpha-Omega initially became semi-public when the M.E.G unearthed ancient texts in Level 8 during an archaeological investigation. These texts spoke of an unknown, nameless location that could not be reached by normal means – being located outside of time and space – but held "the greatest treasure to ever exist". This discovery led to cross-referencing of other ancient texts, which were found to contain similar information. At this point in time, the existence of Level Alpha-Omega was not proven to be anything more than a mere myth, yet it captured the imaginations of those who learned about it. Suddenly, the legend was reborn in the modern day, with wanderers aspiring to reach this location just as their ancient predecessors had. With an expedition into the Hallowed Gate, Level Alpha-Omega's existence would become more likely. Although the M.E.G did not actually find the Throne Room within it, there were many indications to suggest that it was indeed present. When this information leaked out, a sweeping hysteria ensued amongst the wanderers of The Backrooms.

There are many theories regarding the nature of Level Alpha-Omega. Some believe it to be the true "final" level of The Backrooms. Meanwhile, those who deny this theory instead believe it to be a means of ending The Backrooms itself. Due to this, some call it the "Reset Room", or the "Save Room", as there is a theory that whoever enters and uses the room could wipe out the current version of the Backrooms, then either update or restore it. There is no certain, reliable description of Level Alpha-Omega, even in the ancient myths. The general consensus does however agree that the "Throne Room" is a sacred, forbidden chamber with regal architecture, almost divine, but not belonging to any mythology or culture that exists in The Frontrooms. At the center of the level is speculated to be a great throne, and supposedly a crown which is said to hold an immeasurable power. The "Crown of the Throne" is widely regarded as the ultimate form of power possible in The Backrooms.

In recent time, numerous groups have sought after Level Alpha-Omega, with the oldest and largest being They Who Seek, who covet the power of the crown as a possible means of reviving He Who Seeks.

Further Evidence

Following the rediscovery of Level Alpha-Omega's legend and its resulting consequences, a strange series of events began occurring, with cryptic messages relating to it appearing in numerous levels.

The first of these was a note left behind in The Hub by an unknown author. Several copies of the note exist in other levels, and seem to be made by the same person, with the same message:

"Do not be fooled, for the quest to the end does not truly end the nightmare. Seek not for escape, but salvation for all. Only the Crown of the Throne can truly save all, dead or alive. End the nightmare. Seek the truth."

More evidence was later discovered in other levels. Levels with unstable lighting, such as Level 1, would sometimes display messages written with blood on the wall, floor or ceiling, reading the following:

"The Alpha and the Omega. The beginning of the end. The path to the nameless room shall be forgotten to the end of eternity, lest the stars align. Long live the Reign of the Divine One."

There is no apparent pattern to this anomaly, which simply appears and disappears out of nowhere. The chances of it occurring are very rare for the average wanderer.

Instances of the message also seem to have been obtained from the following methods:

  • Run "topsecret_ALPHA_OMEGA" on the computer in The End, and the system will cease function for approximately 99 seconds, displaying only a black screen with the message in white font.
  • Order any menu item from The Snackrooms with "a sprinkle of truth" or with any variation of the phrase. You will receive a small note on the receipt, containing the handwritten version of the message.


If Level Alpha-Omega is indeed a sublevel of the Hallowed Gate, then it stands to reason that the resident entities of the Hallowed Gate would also be present there, such as Paragons, Void Cells and Constructs.

Beyond this, there are not any entities that are confirmed with certainty to have inhabited Level Alpha-Omega. However, there does exist The Legend of The Court, which speaks of a king and his royal court. It is believed that this legend refers to Level Alpha-Omega, and that the members of the court described in it are in fact real beings which may still exist today. Scholars have drawn strong parallels between the court members and documented entities, such as "The Knight" with the Crimson Wanderer. This in turn gives credence to the theory that each of these entities possess one of the Treasures of The Void.

Entrances and Exits

While there are no confirmed methods to enter or exit the realm, there are numerous rumored methods. One is that Level Alpha-Omega may be accessed from within the Hallowed Gate, but given its fortitude against outsiders, it would be difficult to test this. Another theory is that it may be accessed from one of the ornate level doors within the tower of The Hub, however this cannot easily be proven either.


Following the original publication of this document, much more evidence has since come to light. The existence of Level Alpha-Omega is now a near-certainty, though human wanderers have still yet to set foot in it.

  1. Also known as "The Throne Room", "The Core of The Backrooms" and "The Heart of the Void"