Object 2 – AKA Level Keys – are rare objects found across the Backrooms which access the entrances of levels.
For every level in the Backrooms, there is a Level Key, which varies in appearance depending on its respective level. Said level is identified by a runic symbol engraved into a small rectangular label on the handle of the key. Each symbol on each key for each level is unique, corresponding with the symbols above their respective level doors within The Hub. The label is the shiniest part of the key, such that reflecting light off it at the perfect angle produces a similar effect to a flashbang in which one is temporarily blinded.
Due to each Level Key bearing a unique design, not all of them are represented as standard keys like those found in The Frontrooms. In certain instances, some may manifest in more abstract forms, unpredictable in function. They may even present themselves as other objects or entities.
- Level 57 — A paintbrush.
- Level 150 — A rose.
- Level 197 — A shard of onyx crystal.
- Level 906 — A book containing Entity 140's signature.
A Level Key’s primary function is to reveal and access entrances to its corresponding level. Aside from the officially documented entrances/exits of levels, there are hidden ones which cannot normally be identified nor located. By uniting the key with such hidden entrances, they will thus be revealed and unlocked. However, they will then disappear after being entered, needing to be revealed and unlocked by its key once again.
All Level Keys resonate with their respective levels at a degree of intensity relative to their proximity to an entry point. This is foundational to the Casper-Bray Numbering System, which designates levels with numbers based on the measurement of their respective key’s resonance in radio frequency.
When held whilst asleep, Level Keys can occasionally induce dreams about their respective level.
The inner workings of Level Keys are yet unknown, as active research by the M.E.G. remains underway. Attempted analysis of the material from which Level Keys are made has yielded inconclusive results.
The Keymaster is the sole creator, proprietor and distributor of Level Keys. If one is fortuitous, they may perhaps encounter him in their travels and be provided with a key to their desired level. However, it is nearly impossible to track him down due to his very complex – almost incomprehensible - movement pattern. Sometimes, one may not even receive a key if they happen to earn The Keymaster’s disapproval in any way.
Otherwise, Level Keys are extremely difficult to locate. Lost/discarded Level Keys may be sparsely found in the crevices of various levels throughout the Backrooms, more commonly occurring in levels that are least accessed from The Hub. Searching for Level Keys is considered a fruitless endeavor, as they are more likely found by pure chance. Given their rarity and value, they are often bartered for high prices amongst groups.
Beyond the fact that Level Keys are a creation of The Keymaster, more specific details of their origin are currently unknown. Attempted questioning towards The Keymaster regarding this matter has proven futile, though some information of value may be gleaned from second-hand sources.
A book on Level 4 contains the earliest known record of Level Keys and The Keymaster. It is a myth which speaks of “The Key of Salvation”, allowing one to reach The Throne Room. It has been described as a golden key with three rings conjoined into a handle, two wings below the handle, a figure resembling a cube, and a three-pronged bit at the end – the middle longer than the rest. It bears the cursive inscription “To the Beginning of the End at the Center of Infinity”. The Keymaster is rumored to be in possession of this key, though whether he truly is has remained a closely guarded secret up to present.