The Backrooms: Convergence Wiki
Person of Interest: Maria Status: Alive
Possible Location(s): Level 154, Level 399, The Hub
Known Affiliation(s): None
Last Seen: The Hub

Self Portrait of Maria

"Maria" as depicted in her self-portrait.

Self Portrait of Maria

“Maria” is a partial faceling child who has been found wandering numerous levels of The Backrooms. Little is known of her background, save for the fact that her parents reside in Level 11.5.


Maria has been described to have olive skin, dark hair, and a single brown left eye. Her right eye is missing, and the right corner of her mouth is incomplete. She stands at 4'2" and weighs about 50lbs. Maria is often seen wearing a purple shirt, arm sleeves, dirtied jeans, and velcro sneakers. She has been known to make noises that resemble words and very rarely outright forming full words. However, there is no recording of her forming full sentences.

Maria frequently shows curiosity towards humans, often following wanderers to merely observe them. It is not uncommon for her to rummage through the belongings of humans, though she never takes anything. However, she may prank them instead, with wanderers waking to find writing on their faces or with their belongings stacked in tower-like structures. Although she is not known to have exhibited aggression towards humans, caution is nonetheless advised, as child facelings are known to attack out of fear or in self-defense. In regards to food, Maria seems to hate citrus fruits, but loves sweet-tasting things. Offering her the latter may help gain her trust more easily.

Maria has a strong aversion to balloons. Her own explanation for this phobia is that she hates the sound of popping balloons, as well as the squeaking sound caused by rubbing them. It is theorized that the true source of her fear stems from an encounter with Caius Taggert, though this is unconfirmed.


The following are testimonies given by wanderers who have witnessed Maria.

"I saw this little girl putting a paper up on a wall of one of those ticket booths over in Level 131. I figured she got permission since the faceling there didn't seem to mind. I got curious and went to go see what she was doing and the paper was like a warning of some sort? Said that the entities come out at night and that it's safe underground or something. Anyway, I suddenly heard this creaking noise and when I look up all the booths are closing and the cages are opening, so I had to run for those tunnels. Kid's warnings aren't a lie, it was safe down there, had food and weapons too. Just hope she made it there safely, I didn't see her when I ran."
"I was in the hub when I saw this little girl heading into the tower. I got worried because she might end up somewhere prohibited and get herself hurt. I've heard of The Keymaster not being kind to those who disrespect him and I was concerned that she might accidentally, you know, do that. Anyway. I followed her into the tower but I lost track of her. Next thing I know, I turn the corner and find the Keymaster holding her and allowing her to tape a paper onto his forehead. It was kind of cute, actually. I didn't know he was such a family man. I left them be. Don't tell him I said this, but the next time I saw the Keymaster, I asked him about her and he got pissed and denied her existence. I figured he was protecting her with secrecy, so I left it alone. Seemed like the type of subject that'd get you killed."
"I swear that little girl gives me the creeps. The M.E.G. say its harmless, but they’re wrong. That thing is not harmless. I saw it once, with hair gripped tight in its fist as if it yanked it off of someone. I could’ve sworn it was stained with blood, but I didn’t stick around to take a closer look. Avoid it at all costs and pray you're not alone when it finds you."


Maria is known to leave behind drawings to warn wanderers of certain levels and entities. While most if not all of these provide a reasonable warning to wanderers, it is important to remember that she is an entity, and may overlook or mislabel certain hazards. The following is a record of certain drawings that have been recovered over time:




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Author: SmolSlasherSoul
