Greetings Gary! I mean no harm...
Come now, sit down! don't be alarmed...
I'm within a place that soon you'll find...
Is it real? is it not? It is all up to your mind...
אלוהים הוא טוב
Description: About Me:
Mortis Abelson is an enigmatic entity found within The Backrooms. It displays high abundance of knowledge, yet lacks (human) wisdom, and often asks weird, completely random questions towards wanderers. These questions are typically related to personal information, such as the wanderer's original home or how many friends they have made within the backrooms. Little is known about its true nature, but people speculate that the entity is hiding something sinister behind the smile it wears. It is also theorized that Mortis is Death itself.
Your eyes could deceive you... You should keep them in check...
I'm only one of a kind... Just like cards within a deck...
I can assure you... I'm not a threat...
But if you take what's not yours... be sure to pay the debt...
Behavior: Manners:
Mortis Abelson normally interacts with wanderers like how another one would. The entity can make jokes, tell stories, and more so often, sympathize with the wanderers. It is also able to identify fear, sadness, happiness, and even the evil intentions of said wanderers. It is also shown being capable of speaking all languages proficiently. It uses its powers to either amuse or entertain people, reason is unknown.
I can feel... I can heal...
I doubt that everything within this plane is real...
Beyond the love... Above the hate...
There is more to this reality... I cannot wait...
Biology: What Am I ?:
Mortis Abelson is an entity that possesses varying forms. Only 4 of them have been Identified so far; Who knows what kind of form it shall take next... The entity has undergone hazard assessments along with its 4 forms, and have amassed varying levels of danger. So for your convenience, we will label each form and give them their own Hazard Classes.
- Physical Capacity: The entity can easily destroy concrete and steel constructs as if it was destroying a sand castle.
- Mental Capacity: The entity can mentally harm/scar wanderers and is immune to most mental attacks caused by wanderers/entities.
- Physical State: Intangible. The entity can phase through any objects within this form.
- Intelligence: 526 IQ. Beyond standard/maximum human IQ.
- Speed: 200-230 mph ( 321.87 - 370.15 km/h ). The entity is as fast as a motorcycle.
- Shape / Physical Description: A hooded figure wielding a scythe, whilst manifesting smiling symbols around it. Theories state that when you come in contact with the floating symbols, it may have a chance to drive you insane.
- Overview: The entity can see the ghosts of fallen wanderers and can resurrect them from the dead if he deems them interesting enough to bring back to life. The entity usually sends the souls towards the afterlife. The entity also takes on this form once every 6 days.
I will carefully reap what you've dearly sown...
You will receive the kindness equal to what you've shown...
Fear not, wayward souls... I shall take you all home...
If you're still bound to this realm, then you're doomed to eternally roam...
החיים טובים
- Physical Capacity: The entity cannot destroy nor harm anything.
- Mental Capacity: The entity cannot mentally influence nor mentally attack wanderers
- Physical State: Solid. The entity can be touched and felt by a wanderer.
- Intelligence: ???
- Speed: Seemingly Instant.
- Shape / Physical Description: A floating hand surrounded by darkness.
- Overview: The entity can make you a deal and grant you any power you like (as long as the ability you ask for is not too weak nor too powerful). It appears in front of the wanderer by surrounding them with a pitch black mist whilst holding out a hand and offering to grant them any power they could wish for. The entity will ask you to shake its hand in order to bestow you with the ability you desire.
I can make you a deal, fair and square...
Just call out my name, and I'll be there...
Don't ask for a gift that's too weak or too strong...
Just pick the right power, what else could go wrong?...
אהבה זה טוב
- Physical Capacity: The entity cannot destroy nor harm anything.
- Mental Capacity: The entity cannot mentally influence nor mentally attack wanderers
- Physical State: Solid. The entity can be touched and felt by a wanderer.
- Intelligence: ???
- Speed: Seemingly Instant.
- Shape / Physical Description: A random door that is out of place.
- Overview: The entity will only appear to people who wants to get rid of their powers or their abilities. The entity appears in a form of a normal white door that would talk to the wanderer regarding the process of the power removal. The entity will then ask you to step through it, taking away your desired ability to be rid off of. After the process, the entity will teleport you back to where you came before you met it. People's memories regarding what's inside the door tend to be wiped due to unknown reasons.
I can take what I can give...
I won't kill you... you will live...
Losing your gift is quite very disappointing...
Should you regret it later... You'd realize it's your own undoing...
לא ראוי
- Physical Capacity: Above Average Human Strength. Not likely to use said strength.
- Mental Capacity: Immune to all psychological attacks.
- Physical State: Solid. The entity can be seen as a regular wanderer.
- Intelligence: Above average Human IQ.
- Speed: Above average Human Speed.
- Shape / Physical Description: A normal man.
- Overview: The entity appears as a regular middle-aged man, and will ask wanderers it meets questions. Questions vary to personal to opinon-based discussions. Frighteningly Normal. More information needed
Additional Notes:
Note #1: The only way to tell if he's near you is to listen for a slow music box tune. (see audio recreation on description)
Note #2: Keep your sanity... you'll need it...
Note #3: If he offers you Jar O' Dark, take it. It's very valuable. Trust doesn't matter regarding this offer.
Note #4: Always keep a distance of 1ft away from him. Too much exposure can drive you insane. Remember Note #2.
What I want is what you know...
Don't be shy. I'll say hi. Say hello...
I need to be smart. I need to be direct. I call myself simple...
You can see this reality all too differently when you're with different people...
איש של אלוהים
Relation / Interactions Towards Entities Them:
Mortis Abelson does not seem to discriminate nor treat entities as lower lifeforms compared to itself. It acts accordingly to how it is treated and will incapacitate them if deemed necessary. Some entities fear it, and some do not; This does not really affect their mutual relationship at all. Overall most entities are familiar and are aware of Mortis Abelson's existence within the backrooms. So here are the recorded interactions that are observed and proven by other wanderers regarding its behavior towards varying entities.
- The Eclipser: Rip and tear, limb from limb. That's what it always thinks, that's not so fun. I truly expected more from "The God of the Black Sun".
- The Mail Carrier: A humble force of noble works, a messenger through multiple worlds. A kind soul that never hurts, a soul that allows me to read their words.
- Hubris: An interesting man, too good not to look into. I want to truly know what journeys he has been through.
- King of Normality: Normal is average, and average is normal. Being average is so simple, yet it's so formal.
- Philia: A heart of gold, but her virtues have grown old. And yet despite everything, she refuses to fold.
- The Jester: A silly little guy, though I would not look him in the eye − or else you may die.
- The Storyteller: Stories need no telling, one shall tell their own. Everything one needs to tell is at the top of their own dome. A story shall never be warped, it must be set accordingly . But this "thing" begs to differ, unfortunately...
- Y'liad Elyion: Greyking Unparalleled, his might is to be feared. Do not cross him, for all who have disappeared.
- The Crimson Wanderer: A knight on a quest, so vague to understand. Good or bad? What side does he command?
- The Clocksmith: Old Man out of time, a secret is yet to be told. He'd always let me know that our time is gold.
- The Keymaster: A man of mystery, a man of secrecy. A man of pure madness, a man of sheer misery.
Discovery:His Story:
Log #1
Mortis Abelson was first documented in the modern day by a man named Joesep Regidalle. Joesep was walking within the Dreamscape Mines when he found a stone as black as the void. He named it the Death Stone because it vaguely reminds him of his dead grandfather's ring, which has a black stone embedded within it. As he touched the Death Stone, he was immediately transported to a mysterious Level . Joesep didn't know what to do about his new found discovery, he was shook to the core. As he tried to look around the dark realm, The entity appeared in front of the man, with eyes gleaming with curiosity. Joesep then proceeded to record and log the encounter:
[Log Start]
* Distorted audio *
Joesep: H-Hello, my name is Joesep Regidalle, a wanderer.
Mortis: Greetings, Joesep the wanderer. My name is Mortis Abelson... an entity. To what I owe your unprecedented arrival?
Joesep: Uh... I stumbled upon your level by accident... and I can't seem to find my way out...
Mortis: That is quite unfortunate, I can lead you to the exit... but you must feed my curiosity first. :>
Joesep: Your curiosit-
Mortis: Yes! My curiosity! You see, I have always been fascinated by the behavior of humans within this certain reality. So, I wonder if you could tell me more about what you all think about this place, The Backrooms?
Joesep: W-Well, I think this place is scary and unforgiving...
Mortis: How so?
Joesep: Uh... you know? Like... the place is crawling with creepy sounds, monsters, and levels, just like a messed up video game.
Mortis: What is this that you call a "video game"? :>
Joesep: Video games are-
???: WHO'S THERE!?
Mortis: Quick! Hide!
* Inaudible roars and screeches across the distance *
Joesep: Okay, but... we can pick this up later, right?
Mortis: Yes, yes. Now go! Now!
* Joesep attempts to hide *
Mortis: No-
[Log End]
Conclusion of Log #1:
Upon investigation, It has become apparent that there is another entity within the level. Unfortunately for Joesep, he met a gruesome fate in the hands of the entity.
The thing about mortals... Is that they quickly come and go...
Such little time... Such little room to grow...
I feel bad for their existence... I really do...
Even though I can't really feel the things they've all been through...
Nevertheless... I shall guide you to the light...
Farewell, Joesep... And welcome to the afterlife...
Origin: My Story:
Mortis Abelson is the product of the first major death of a sentient being within the universe, the death of Abel. Upon his death, certain particles known as D-Particles were released unto the air, which manifest at the point of a sentient being's death. The particles attracted one another, causing a particle formation known as the Black Parade. When the clustered particles reached its maximum density, they imploded and formed a black mass known as Living Death. This black mass then began to siphon more D-particles to aid in its development as an entity. Once a certain amount of the particles were amassed, the black mass finally attained sentience and a human-like consciousness, upon which it was instantaneously transferred to The Backrooms. Taking on a humanoid form, the entity would name himself "Mortis Abelson", and soon found himself among the company of similarly powerful individuals. From then on, he would roam The Backrooms, learning the ways of its wanderers and claiming the souls of the deceased.
Hello dear reader, you have reached the end...
So let me tell you about a story.
An olden tale of a man who's gray and lonely.
The man could only watch from afar once the death of worlds unfolds.
Waiting for the conclusion of the chaos to behold.
Once the Gods were on their dying breaths, he tried to save them, for it was pity that he first felt...
But as he got closer and closer, he realized that the one needed saving was himself...
In an instant, a blinding light swallowed everything leaving nothingness behind its path...
The gray man was maddened by the sight of it and he then began to painfully laugh...
An eternity passed and the man stopped laughing, but he still wears the smile he had all those years ago.
The gray man finally decided to pick himself up from his sorrows, looking for a place to go.
He realized that he is no longer bound by the rules of a higher authority.
So he made a clear goal in mind, "I must change the course of this story".
And so the man defied the natural order, allowing him to tread through the tunnel of time.
He does not care for the consequences, no matter how big or small the crime.
He came back a few years before everything happened, such a peaceful age.
But now that there is a difference, something is bound to change.
Relevant Tales:My Adventures:
Created by D-ManTheDestroyerOfWorlds. Currently owned by Mctoran. Loading