The search for Level Alpha-Omega led to the revelation and identification of several legendary artifacts, each revealed by their own mysterious messages. The exact number of artifacts and their origins are ambiguous, but each one is believed to be associated with a particular prominent entity. In general, the Treasures of the Void are considered some of the most powerful anomalous objects in the Backrooms. Below are those that have been documented thus far:
Key of Salvation
- Description: A golden key with three rings conjoined into a handle, two wings below the handle, a figure that resembles a cube, and three blades at the end – the middle one longer than the others. It bears the cursive inscription “To the Beginning of the End at the Center of Infinity”. The key is also said to glow with a soothing warmth. This artifact is believed to be a key to Level Alpha-Omega itself, one of the very few means of accessing it.
- Location: The Keymaster is rumored to be in possession of it. Asking The Keymaster for a key to Level Alpha-Omega would likely result in his denial and possible ridicule of the requester. Depending on the individual and the nature of their question, The Keymaster may ask why they seek the key and then advise them not to seek it anymore. Considering this, it is implied that the Key of Salvation may indeed be a real and extremely dangerous object. But whether The Keymaster truly possesses it is yet to be seen.
“The Frontrooms are but an escape. Do you truly wish to end the game? An infinite power awaits. The promise of eternal life in everlasting bliss. Find the Key of Salvation, and the Crown of the Throne shall be yours.”
Crimson Heart
- Description: There is no reliable description of this item. Some claim it to be a glowing, pulsating red crystal in the shape of an anatomical heart, while others theorize it to be a nonliving object or even a location.
- Location: Originally theorized to be in Run For Your Life!, as the level revolved around an unusually extreme amount of violence. Subscribers of this theory believed that the "heart" was the living, beating core of the level. However, in the wake of The Flicker, it is now believed that the heart was removed from it. Others believe that killing a certain number of entities will grant them the Crimson Heart. They Who Seek, subscribing to this theory, collected the hearts of many creatures in an attempt to find the Crimson Heart. Due to the near-genocide caused by the quest, this sparked internal disagreement. Eventually, they stopped in fear of persecution by the M.E.G. There are some other smaller cults that continue this practice, but thus far the theory remains unproven. Another theory is that The Crimson Wanderer possesses the heart, but there is little evidence to support it and he has never confessed to this.
- Message:
"Blessed by the ritual of Bloodbath to purge the Sinners from the world, the Chosen shall embark on the path of Bloodshed and reach the Crimson Heart, its beating echoes guiding them to the Alpha and Omega."
Tome of Knowledge
- Description: A mythical book of unknown detail, said to contain the greatest secrets of The Backrooms. There are several books across The Backrooms which are theorized to be the Tome of Knowledge.
- Location: Most likely a level where books are stored, such as The End or Level 906. The most popular theory posits that The Storyteller is the holder of the book.
- Message: Commonly found on any paper media across The Backrooms:
"Seeker of Knowledge, Rejoice, for you have been chosen to discover the Truth of the Alpha and Omega! Seek the Tome of Knowledge, and every tale of the past, present, and future shall be revealed before your very eyes."
Card of Truth
- Description: The physical description of the item is a heavily debated topic. It is known to be a playing card of some sort, but the exact game it belongs to is a point of contention.
- Location: Believed to be in the possession of Jester.
- Message: Can be seen through various media, but initially discovered by opening
on the computer terminal in The End;
"Myriads of consciousness seek the One across the Infinite, but there is no light across the Void. The Key may open the gate at the Center of Infinity, but the card is the ticket to the journey. Obtain the Card of Truth, and the path will be revealed."
Healing Harp
- Description: A holy harp completely painted in gold, with white lilies and roses growing on its surface. Legends say it was crafted from the wood of a sacred tree which grew fruits capable of healing any sickness. They also say that if one were to play the harp, their body and mind would be cleansed of any impurity, and heal from any wound or curse.
- Location: The Priestess is believed to be in possession of the Harp. Some speculate that she may have hidden it somewhere far away, where only those pure of heart may find it.
- Message: Found underneath a dead tree surrounded by wilted flowers:
"Pure-hearted being, seek the gentle Harp that cures the body and mind. You who were chosen shall use it to become a kind and merciful ruler. Bring peace and prosperity; caress its strings for a future less grim. And then, you shall never fear again."
Lens of Wisdom
- Description: Rumor has it that peering through the Lens of Wisdom and focusing on an object grants one all the knowledge there is to know about it in an instant. According to some legends, though, this twists one's mind into developing an unhealthy fixation on the object learned about.
- Location: The Alchemist almost certainly possesses the Lens, as this was seemingly the subject of a letter from him to The Keymaster. This is most likely the magnifying glass he carries in his pocket, though some speculate it may lie within his glasses instead.
- Message: Found inscribed on a window:
"All's eyes are weak when viewed objectively, thus some truths may only be found through the looking glass. All shall become clear as crystal when it is peered through, with understanding and comprehension granted down to an iota of an iota of an iota."
Eye of Scrying
- Description: Rumored to be a glass eye which grants foresight up to a certain point in the future. The farther the point is into the future, the less clear the visions become. This eye is also rumored to grant the ability to read the thoughts of other beings.
- Location: It is believed that the eye is hidden somewhere far away where nobody can reach it unless guided by a "mysterious voice", nobody has seen it in person.
- Message: The message can only be heard telepathically:
"Oh wise being, seek out the eye that grants you the blessing of divining the future and preventing disaster. Utilize this power for the sake of those who are in need of help, protect those around you with this foresight, and make sure it never falls into evil hands. The destiny of those you love is in your hands."
Brush of Reality
- Description: A large paint brush, said to be capable of painting whatever the user imagines into existence. More detailed and complex creations (especially living ones) require more time and concentration.
- Location: Most likely in the possession of Apollo.
- Message: The message can be found in Level 57:
"Just as the pen is mightier than the sword, so too is the brush. It is the bridge between the imaginary and material, making dreams reality."
Defiled Crown
See Defiled Crown.